Zmień na Polski
Polski (PL)

Knowledge zone

Compendium of knowledge

We present compendia of knowledge in our thematic areas.  It is a source of valuable knowledge that inspires development and is useful in professional and private life. Films and podcasts are a demonstration of activities that we can realize for you and your organization.

Róźnorodność i włączanie

and inclusion

Supporting effective diversity management and inclusive policy-making in multinational organizations.

Kompetencje międzykulturowe


Improving intercultural competence by building self-awareness of one's culture and learning about the different dimensions of culture.

Przywództwo i zarządzanie

and management

Improving managerial, leadership, and organizational development competences in multinational organizations.

Zarządzanie ekspatriantami


Support in the process of looking for expatriate candidates, preparing them for departure, caring for them during their stay in the host country, and relocation.

Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi

Human resource

Effective and innovative methods and tools for human resource management in multinational organizations.

Coaching Corner


Videos demonstrate how coaching supports developing client's strengths, overcoming internal resistance, and transcending internal barriers and limitations to achieve personal and professional excellence.

Case studies

We present the development programs we have implemented. We show what development activities have been undertaken due to the client's needs and what results have been achieved at the level of the organization and the participants.