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Leadership and management

Trainings for for managers, leaders, and team management professionals, for HR professionals.

We help improve managerial, leadership, management, and organizational development competences in homogeneous and diverse teams, resulting in lower costs, optimized resources, and adaptation to changing customer needs in international organizations. Trainings provide practical skills in developing strategies, building processes, and making the best use of human potential to increase your performance, your employees, and the organization. Thanks to the acquired competences, managers can optimize costs, resources, and adapt to the changing needs of customers in international organizations.

Scope of trainings

Managing a virtual team
Managing a virtual team is the right attitude of a leader toward virtual work and the ability to build commitment, relationships, and trust in a virtual team.

Participants will learn to communicate with remote team members, delegate and enforce tasks, and provide feedback on tasks performed. During the training, participants will work on identifying and counteracting problems arising from remote working. They will learn the principles of creating virtual meetings and technology that facilitates online working.

Cooperation in a multinational team
The training shapes diverse thinking and behavior, improve intercultural competence, communication, and conflict resolution skills, build intercultural relations, and strengthen team spirit.
During the training, participants will get to know the specifics of cross-cultural teams and the dynamics of conducted projects. They will be able to identify cultural challenges in the global work environment and discover hidden cultural assumptions in business. This will affect the understanding of the impact of cultural differences on work in multinational teams.
Delegation and managerial feedback
Delegating tasks is an everyday part of a manager's job. However, to strengthen employees' commitment, it is necessary to give them feedback on the level of task completion and talk to them about their needs and values. Therefore, it is important to provide feedback not only during the periodic appraisal, but also to give employees "instant feedback."
During the training, participants will practice delegating tasks and providing feedback to employees in various everyday situations and during a periodic appraisal. Participants will experience how important it is to be adequately prepared to conduct conversations with employees. This will allow to build relationships with employees and increase authority as a leader.
Coaching management style in a diverse work environment
In today's diverse work environment, there is no single model for managing and developing employees. There are many ways as there are employees in an organization. Therefore, this training focuses on a coaching approach to management conversations that enables an individualized approach for each employee to achieve high performance.
Training is designed for managers and professionals who want to manage people to support autonomy, initiative, and the willingness to take responsibility by diverse groups of employees.

Participants will gain the flexibility to select a leadership style tailored to the employee's needs and the demands of the situation in a diverse work environment. They will be able to conduct managerial coaching conversations. As a result, they will know how to create space for employees to take responsibility for their actions, engage their creativity, and determination. Participants will be aware of their strengths and areas that require work in the application of managerial coaching.

After the training, the participants will be prepared to implement the management coaching style in their daily work.
Effective managerial decision making
Decision-making is the essence of managerial work. Effective decision-making allows managers to improve the quality of their decisions and increase the effectiveness of their actions.

During the training, participants experience the decision-making through games and business simulations. They will recognize the problem, analyze available solutions, and choose the optimal one. Participants will also learn how to talk to the team about implementing a new solution. Training will also allow strengthening competences in analyzing problematic situations, setting priorities, and gaining flexibility in dealing with complex and crisis situations. As a result, they will learn to make good decisions, followed by committed action.

Conflict management in a multinational team
The training provides knowledge and develops competences concerning the nature of conflict and its understanding. During the training, participants will understand that not eliminating but transforming conflict, changing the way we deal with the differences that divide us, is a key competence in teamwork.

Participants will have practical knowledge of interpersonal and group conflicts and the skills to apply conflict resolution methods in international teams. As a result of the training, participants will build a portfolio of their strategies and tools for dealing with conflict situations using techniques of exerting influence and communication based on dialogue. 

Participants will receive feedback from the trainer on their style of reaction in conflict situations, which will allow them to build a workplan to change some of their behaviors.

Building employee motivation and engagement
One of the most important tasks of a manager is to take care of employees and develop their skills and talents. Managers must know how to recognize and release the potential inherent in employees.

During the training, participants will learn to strengthen the motivation of employees and build their commitment, which will affect their satisfaction and improve the organizational performance.

Public speaking in international business
Training in self-presentation and public speaking prepares you to speak effectively in various settings and situations, from a small group of employees to a large audience at a conference or international event.

Participants will learn how to build a speech and choose the proper means and methods for a speech and audience. They will also gain the ability to effectively present themselves and the content, engage the audience, and deal with difficult situations.

Building personal effectiveness
Today's VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world means that managers constantly have to deal with new challenges. To cope with this, it is essential to build a work-life balance. We will introduce participants to the philosophy of creating a balance between personal life and work to achieve greater job satisfaction.
During the training, participants will learn, among others, practical aspects of time management, the role of habits in our lives and ways to change them, methods of stress reduction, ways to build self-esteem and strengthen their concentration. The training will enable you to analyze and plan a new approach to organizing your work, building efficiency, balance, and satisfaction with your own and others' work.
Train the Trainer (basic and advanced)
Training will help managers gain and improve their competences in designing and conducting comprehensive training programs. During the training, participants will learn practical aspects of training needs analysis, developing a training program, planning and executing the evaluation of training effectiveness. In addition, they will learn to design training methods, training games, simulations, and experiments in training. Participants will be able to deal with different situations during training.
Advanced Train the Trainer program includes learning and practical application of advanced communication techniques, advanced influence and persuasion techniques, and critical thinking in designing and conducting training. Participants will learn to apply the evidence-based approach to designing development programs. Participants will also know how to shape the role of a trainer / consultant outside the training room.

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